On the ground floor of the Falaise Memorial, the immersive room plunges you into the heart of the hell of the bombings of the Second World War.

The immersive film
Edited from images from English, German and French archives, the immersive film recounts the successive stages of an aerial bombardment. Massive bombings are one of the hallmarks of the Second World War. They mainly targeted industrial cities. But they also served to break the morale of the populations or, as at Falaise, to break German military resistance.
The number of deaths from the bombings is very difficult to quantify. Many died from their injuries, sometimes years later.
The remains of a destroyed house
This projection room is built on the very spot where the remains of a house destroyed by the bombings of 1944 were discovered.

It is on this exceptional discovery, made by archaeologists from the National Institute of Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), that the “immersive room” imagined by the team responsible for designing the museum as the highlight is located. of the visit.
To allow visitors to identify and project themselves into this terrible period, a glass floor was installed in order to navigate amid the scars of the bombings of the summer of 44.
Period objects have been carefully preserved to be integrated into the scenography of this space. The hell of the shelling of Normandy homes is illustrated spectacularly, by sound and image.
It is in this context that the visitor can watch a film which depicts this “living” picture by illustrating the life of a French family, before, during and after the bombings…