Distance: 4.8 km
Duration: 01h30
Right in the middle of the Falaise plain, La Brèche au Diable, “Open Earth”, a mountain split as if by the blow of a sword and inhabited by a tumultuous torrent, will plunge you into a world made up of legends and daydreams! (Tomb of Marie Joly currently closed to the public)


Right in the middle of the Falaise plain, La Brèche au Diable, “Open Earth”, a mountain split as if by the blow of a sword and inhabited by a tumultuous torrent, will plunge you into a world made up of legends and daydreams!
(Tomb of Marie Joly currently closed to the public)

Your itinerary


Right in the middle of the Falaise plain, La Brèche au Diable, “Open Earth”, a mountain split as if by the blow of a sword and inhabited by a tumultuous torrent, will plunge you into a world made up of legends and daydreams!
(Tomb of Marie Joly currently closed to the public)

Step 1

Church of Potigny. Exit the car park on the right and take the rue du village, leave the first crossroads and continue by taking the Chemin de Marie-Joly on the right.

Step 2

Continue and pass under the N 158. Go along the wood until the first crossroads. Climb the path on the left and ignore the side paths.

Step 3

On the plateau, at the fork, continue to the right. Cross the plateau of rocks and its bushy and wild vegetation cover for 900 meters.

Step 4

At the edge of the precipice, turn right then descend to the left. You arrive in the Devil's Breach. Turn left and follow the Laizon (Do not take it during high water!) traversing and climbing the rocky chaos. Cross the wooden bridge then descend while skirting the waterfall.

Step 5

Go through the often muddy area in winter and climb the path to the right that runs along the bottom of the hill. Climb the path at an acute angle to the right and come out near the Saint-Quentin chapel.

Step 6

Take the street on the left, rush into the path on the right and, at the bottom, turn right. Leave the path on the left and descend while skirting the rocky promontories on your right and the polishers on your left.

Step 7

Cross the bridge, then turn right and go up on the left by the path. Turn left by the path laid out in the sensitive space and go down to the foot of the plateau. Take the path on the right, go down to the second path on the left, follow the brook on the right and find the crossroads on the way out. Turn left, cross La Huanière, cross the bridge over the N 158 and return to the church.

360 degree shooting