Distance: 12.5 km
Duration: 04h00
Dawdle on paths nestled on the hillsides, crisscross the heart of a secret valley, cross slopes drawing delicate curves, such is the program offered by this circuit where boredom is prohibited.


Dawdle on paths nestled on the hillsides, crisscross the heart of a secret valley, cross slopes drawing delicate curves, such is the program offered by this circuit where boredom is prohibited.

Your itinerary


Dawdle on paths nestled on the hillsides, crisscross the heart of a secret valley, cross slopes drawing delicate curves, such is the program offered by this circuit where boredom is prohibited.

Step 1

Departure from Place de l'Eglise des Loges Saulces. Take the direction of Fourneaux le Val. Follow the D 244 for about 1 km, cross the small hamlet of Groussy.

Step 2

At Calvary take the path to the right then at a fork, follow the path heading left. Take the first path on the left and go down to the hamlet of Fouboeuf

Step 3

Go down to the houses. Cross the Baize river on a bridge. Take the uphill path to the right which takes you to a road and opposite a farm. This is framed by two paths, take the one on the right. Follow a path overlooking the Baize valley. Bypass the Bisson farm. After about 2,5 km you come out on a tarmac road. Follow the D 245 for about 200 m then take the first path on the right. Go between a garage and a house. Go down this path then cross the road to take a path that will lead you to another narrow bridge. After having crossed the Baize again, go up towards the center of the Bourg. At the crossroads, turn right.

Step 4

At the church, turn left. Climb a paved road. After about 1,5 km, you see the small hamlet of Canteloup. Take the first path on the right. Bypass a farm then cross it to reach the first path opposite. Follow it to the D 240. Turn left, walk about 500 m, then take the first path on the right which leads you to the hamlet of La Huannière. Turn left then climb the course on the right. At the top, continue to the right. After about 1 km, take the path on the left.

Step 5

From point 4 to point 5, the course is very muddy on its first part. After about 2 km you come to an asphalt road. Head to the right.

Step 6

Follow this small road for about 1 km, then take the first path on the right. You enter a small path, a veritable plant tunnel. At its end after about 1 km, take the paved road on the left. Follow this road until the D 240, then at the crossroads turn left again for an easy end of the route.