Distance: 8 km
Duration: 02h30
Le Vivier is a superb walking path, part of which is lined with woods and chestnut trees.


Le Vivier is a superb walking path, part of which is lined with woods and chestnut trees.

Your itinerary


Le Vivier is a superb walking path, part of which is lined with woods and chestnut trees.

Step 1

Parking on the left side of the path at the crossroads in front of the departure panel. Take the path on the left for 250 m. At the height of a fork, leave the tar to enter the wood. Follow this path lined with trees for 2 km. At its end, you discover a small hamlet.

Step 2

Turn left. You enter the wood again to follow a straight path for 2 km until you reach a cross path

Step 3

Turn left. Take a path that is grassy and winding at first then widens to become straight and stony as far as the road. Cross with great caution the D 69 to join the path opposite.

Step 4

After about 300 m enter the woods on the left, taking a path bordering a large rectangular grassland. Go down to a passage framed by two metal barriers. Take the path to the right (do not climb the dike!) and walk along the dike. The path gradually becomes complicated and dotted with small obstacles to be avoided with caution. Cross a bridge then furrow through the woods.

Step 5

Turn left and go up this stony path to the D 69 Cross with great caution (limited visibility!) and take the path opposite to return to the car park.