Distance: 3.8 km
Duration: 01h15
Elevation: 114 D +
At the beginning, it is a simple stroll through open fields on the foothills of the Pays d'Auge and the ramparts of Falaise. Then, it turns into a journey through a unique place where the fauna and flora flourish in complete tranquility: the Coteau de Mesnil-Soleil. Please note, in the Reserve: - Dogs are prohibited (even on a leash) - Gathering is prohibited - Littering is prohibited - Stay on the trail


At the beginning, it is a simple stroll through open fields on the foothills of the Pays d'Auge and the ramparts of Falaise. Then, it turns into a journey through a unique place where the fauna and flora flourish in complete tranquility: the Coteau de Mesnil-Soleil.

Be careful, in the Reserve:
- Dogs are prohibited (even on a leash)
- Picking is prohibited
- Waste is prohibited
- Stay on the trail

Your itinerary


At the beginning, it is a simple stroll through open fields on the foothills of the Pays d'Auge and the ramparts of Falaise. Then, it turns into a journey through a unique place where the fauna and flora flourish in complete tranquility: the Coteau de Mesnil-Soleil.

Be careful, in the Reserve:
- Dogs are prohibited (even on a leash)
- Picking is prohibited
- Waste is prohibited
- Stay on the trail

Step 1

Departure from the Falaise aerodrome parking lot in Damblainville. Head towards the departure sign between the weather station and an airfield hangar.

Step 2

Immediately turn right and follow the hedge towards the entrance to the airfield and the tarmac road. Turn left and follow the road until you reach an intersection (be careful with dangerous bends).

Step 3

Take the first path on the left and cross the woods. At the edge, follow left and start to descend while enjoying the view towards Falaise and its emblematic castle.

Step 4

Turn left and continue straight on with the silhouette of the Coteau de Mesnil-Soleil in focus. Leave the path on the right. At its end turn right until you reach an intersection. Go left towards the Reserve while following a hedge.

Step 5

Enter the Coteau de Mesnil-Soleil National Nature Reserve. Cross a first plot. After passing along a wooded area on the right, enter the Reserve itself by passing a "chicane/barrier" (please close it securely).

Step 6

At the foot of the Coteau de Mesnil-Soleil: Start to climb the path. On the right, note the outcrops of Bon-Mesnil Limestone. Called oolitic limestone, this limestone is made up of small spheres and numerous fossilized shells. Admire the hillside! This area is notably occupied by Pulsatilla Anemones (Pulsatilla vulgaris), Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum), Dwarf Coronilla (Coronilla minima), Humble Sedge (Carex humilis), Common Globularia (Globularia punctata). In the woods below, sometimes enjoy musical and rare fauna: the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio), the yellow bunting (Emberiza citrinella), the northern stonechat (Saxicola rubicola)...

Step 7

Point of view: continue along the path. Turn around and discover the landscape contrasts: a very artificial plain landscape emerges, broken by the presence of the Reserve, the westernmost area of ​​the Monts d'Eraines Natura 2000 site.

Step 8

While remaining on the marked trail, continue the walk and look at the very exposed and steep plot. It is possible to discover exceptional flora and fauna: 329 species of flowering plants, around twenty of which are protected, as well as 923 species of insects including 58 species of butterflies and 27 species of Orthoptera (locusts, grasshoppers). ).

Step 9

At the end of the path and before turning left, look on the right at the plot planted with shrubs such as Lantana Viburnum (Viburnum lantana), Blood Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), Roses wild… This picket is maintained in order to offer refuge to wildlife. Insects and birds circulate there.

Step 10

Turn left while passing through the chicane (close the gate securely). You enter a plot of woodland and lawns. The latter are rich in plants characteristic of limestone lawns. For example, you can discover it there in May, June and July! False-leaved bupleurum (Bupleurum falcatum), Blue sesleria (Sesleria albicans), Pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis), Bee ophrys (Ophrys apifera), Large-flowered buckthorn (Prunella grandiflora)... Then climb to the right while crossing a wood generally grazed by around ten ditch goats. This wood is not typical of the region due to the presence of Laburnum, which colonizes the woodland.

Step 11

Leave the woods via the chicane (close the gate securely), cross a meadow to reach the woods opposite. You will possibly encounter animals there grazing or resting (donkeys and cows are sometimes placed there during the summer).

Step 12

Enter the wood while crossing it diagonally on the left. The woodland and meadow are outside the perimeter of the Reserve and serve as a retreat zone for animals during periods of work, drought or prophylaxis (care). Vegetation is more abundant in unfavorable periods on the hillsides. This wood is composed in particular of Hornbeams, Ashes, Hazelnuts, Oaks and other species.

360 degree shooting