Distance: 12 km
Duration: 03h00
Elevation: 500 D +
The town of Saint-Germain-Langot was previously located further south along the Val stream. This stream, which flows into the Laize, once drove the wheels of a series of 4 mills. One of them, called "Moulin du Bourg" remains. Do not hesitate to ask the owner who will be happy to describe in detail how it works. In the heart of a bocage landscape interspersed with woods, this circuit will make you discover a rugged relief where the habitat is scattered in hamlets nestled in the heart of the valleys.


The town of Saint-Germain-Langot was previously located further south along the Val stream. This stream, which flows into the Laize, once drove the wheels of a series of 4 mills. One of them, called "Moulin du Bourg" remains. Do not hesitate to ask the owner who will be happy to describe in detail how it works. In the heart of a bocage landscape interspersed with woods, this circuit will make you discover a rugged relief where the habitat is scattered in hamlets nestled in the heart of the valleys.

Your itinerary


The town of Saint-Germain-Langot was previously located further south along the Val stream. This stream, which flows into the Laize, once drove the wheels of a series of 4 mills. One of them, called "Moulin du Bourg" remains. Do not hesitate to ask the owner who will be happy to describe in detail how it works. In the heart of a bocage landscape interspersed with woods, this circuit will make you discover a rugged relief where the habitat is scattered in hamlets nestled in the heart of the valleys.

Step 1

Departure from the community hall. Take the direction of BONNOEIL by taking the D.157.

Step 2

Pass in front of the Calvary, leaving the road leading to the church on your right. Take the first road on the left towards the place called "Le Bisson". Follow this road for about 1,5 km then cross the small hamlet, taking the "Chemin des Bruns".

Step 3

At a grove of large cedars containing a cross dedicated to Sainte-Anne, turn right. Go along a building in which masonry stones are stuck forming a cross (protection against fire). Drive about 500m then take the first road on the left. Follow this path while skirting the woods of Tréprel. Cross the "Langot" stream then go up to the highest point of the town.

Step 4

Take the path on the right framed by Devaux wood and a tree nursery. After about 1km, you come out on a road (D.157a). Turn left, at the exit of the wood take the second path on the right. After a descent of around 500m, cross the D.167 road (be careful: poor visibility!) then go up and turn right.

Step 5

You are in the "bottom of Bonnoeil". You can admire the houses of the hamlets of "La Rabotière" and "La Pierre Affileresse" while having a view of the Val stream below.

Step 6

After about 800m, you come out on the road to MARTAINVILLE (D.157). Turn right then immediately left to take the "Chemin des Becquets" which will take you to the historic town of Saint Germain. This pretty path will take you to the Moulin du Bourg. Follow on your left the "path of the village". Mountain biker friends: dismount to the road!

Step 7

Cross carefully then enter the Bois de St Germain. At the edge, turn left. Turn right towards the place called "Le Mesnil". Cross this hamlet and take the path on the left lined with wild plum trees and cross the river "La Laize" on an old Roman bridge called "Pont Neuf". Continue this path until the D.43.

Step 8

Turn right towards St Germain-Langot. On your right, you can observe the Château de St Germain (early XNUMXth century), residence of the OLLIAMSON family. Arriving in the village, turn right towards the place called "La Croix Blanche" to return to your starting point.